Brain Based Wellness Webinar

How is Your Brain Coping?

Are you stuck in a constant state of fight-or-flight? This is the body’s innate response to stress.

While historically, the fight-or-flight response served us well in times of physical danger, today, this protective mechanism hasn’t evolved to distinguish between daily stressors from real threats. The result leads to a chronic state of elevated stress-related hormones.

Too much fight-or-flight activity without corresponding rest and relaxation is what distress is all about. The 21st century is fast becoming the century of Super-Stress, thus, the need for BrainTap.

BrainTap is a powerfully effective tool designed to help you achieve balanced brainwave states needed for optimal function of body and mind. At the same time, the BrainTap Technologies sessions guide your mind to a state of laser-like focus so you can rid yourself of negative self-talk and achieve your life goals!

Join me on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30 pm CST for Brain Based Wellness Webinar to learn more about BrainTap Technology Webinar and how your health can benefit!

Meet Dr. Debbi Hannan, The Facilitator of Brain Based Wellness Webinar

I am extremely motivated to make a positive impact in the world by helping people create FREEDOM. I believe that many people settle for mediocrity, when they deserve greatness, and it is my honor to help you realize your potential so that you can achieve everything you desire and more.

Hosted by: Dr. Debbi Hannan

Chiropractic Health Center & Hannan Wellness

6 Steps to Brain-Based Wellness

With BrainTap Technology, you are only 6 steps away from Brain Wellness!

BrainTap Technology is designed to channel precise frequencies of light and sound into the brain. The optic nerve picks up the light pulses, even with your eyes closed, while the pulsating audio frequencies synchronize the hemispheres of the brain. Your body synchronizes with this pattern, creating a relaxation response.

The process of BrainTap works to eliminate unwanted habits, behaviors, and thought patterns and helps create positive new “ingrained habits.” BrainTap creates resourceful states to imprint goals in the other-than-conscious mind.

Sign up now to find out how to tap into Brain-Based Wellness Webinar for yourself! During this webinar, I will explain the NEED for a brain-based approach, share the six steps to wellness, and shed light on today’s most dangerous epidemic.

I Can’t Wait to Share with You on Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30 pm CST!